Sunday Nov 24, 2019
Season 5 Premier!! With Musical artists Mikey Polo, 5iveDaKid & producer PhilGotAnother1
SEASON 5 IS HERE!!! In this episode we sit down with artists Mikey Polo, 5ive Da Kid and producer Phil Got Another 1 to their new hit single 'Pink' and how they originally linked up and started creating together. Phil gives us a breakdown on how he put the beat together while 5ive discusses his distinct high pitched sound on this single which is unlike what you may have heard before. Mikey, who is making his 3rd appearance on the show, tells us about the future projects that this team has in the works, and also we celebrate Mikeys newest milestone on becoming verified on social media!
Don't forget to follow us on Instagram @The_QBPC
Mikey Polo @OfficialMikeyPolo
5iveDaKid @Fivedakid
Phil Got Another 1 @Philgotanother1