Tuesday Mar 12, 2019
Montclair Brewery - Leo & Denise Sawadogo
Leo & Denise Sawadogo are husband and wife with very different professional backgrounds who decided to one day join their skills, and follow one of Leo's passions which was to make beer and open a brewery. Leo, born in Burkina Faso in West Africa, was exposed to brewing at a very young age as his mother was brewing beer when he was a child. Denise has a masters degree in marketing and has worked with some major companies throughout her career and now brings that know how to the brewery as the marketing director. Leo & Denise managed to accomplish something that no one till now has been able to in Montclair, which is to open a Brewery. Leo pledges to bring a new beer every week to the brewery, to add to their already impressive list of beers and variety! Leo as the master brewer, uses many different variations and spices from Burkina Faso and Jamaica, his and Denises home countries, which adds even more to the authenticity of this Brewery.
Also Montclair Brewery announces in this episode, that they will be sponsoring the Questionable Behavior podcast! Going forward @THE_QBPC will be offering the best beer in the country, thanks to Montclair Brewery!
Please don't forget to follow us on Instagram @The_QBPC
and also follow Montclair Brewery @MontclairBrew